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Cincinnati Auto Expo Highlights Industry Trends

This year's Cincinnati Auto Expo is your chance to check out the 2018 models from 31 auto manufacturers.

The auto industry has been rapidly evolving thanks to new design and manufacturing methods and the increasing incorporation of new computer and communications technologies into vehicles. Electric cars, hybrids, smaller cars and bigger trucks, and now the reality of driverless vehicles, are all changing the attitudes of the American car buyer.

The 2018 Cincinnati Auto Expo starts tomorrow. It's the region’s largest auto show. The expo is an opportunity to compare and test drive a variety of vehicles, and take a look at the 2018 models offered by 31 manufacturers. This year's expo also includes a showcase of off-road vehicles designed and built by engineering students at the University of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky University.

Joining us for a preview of this year's Cincinnati Auto Expo are Greater Cincinnati Automobile Dealers Association Executive Vice President Charlie Howard; Northern Kentucky University Associate Professor, Director of Engineering Technology and Faculty advisor of Norse Baja, Dr. Morteza Sadat-Hossieny; and Northern Kentucky University Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology student and Captain of Norse Baja, Zane Decker.

The 2018 Cincinnati Auto Expo starts Wednesday, February 7, and runs through Sunday, February 11, at the Duke Energy Convention Center. For more information and tickets, click here.