One possible ordinance would prohibit openly carrying a weapon with your face covered.
A jury found Sittenfeld guilty on one charge of bribery and one charge of extortion in 2022.
Some Council members wanted to delay a decision to learn more about the Trump administration’s plans related to federal funding.
The Affordable Housing Leverage Fund has financed the creation or preservation of about 1,800 units of income-restricted housing in Hamilton County over the last two years.
A new program allows gun owners to temporarily store their weapons with the police department for up to six months.
City administration points out a projected deficit isn't unusual this time of year
Fifty-six units of affordable housing in Cincinnati will be preserved under a series of commercial tax abatement extensions.
Red Bike shut down for the first few months of 2024 due to a critical funding shortfall.
Harris resigned his position on Cincinnati City Council to take a job in President Biden's administration.
A new online dashboard is now public to help Cincinnatians track progress on the Connected Communities comprehensive zoning reform from earlier this year.