As more people discover the health and financial benefits of growing their own fruits and vegetables, many expand their efforts and increase their produce production. And some consider becoming self-sufficient or farming to generate income.
The Campbell County Extension Office is presenting a series of programs for anyone thinking about living a more self-sufficient lifestyle or boosting production and profits with an existing farm.
Joining us to discuss homesteading and farming, and to answer your horticulture questions, are Melinda O'Briant, adult education director at Turner Farm; and from the Campbell County Extension Office, Horticulture Agent Sarah Stolz and Agriculture Agent Don Sorrell.
The Campbell County Extension Farm Start and Homesteading Series begins with an informational session on Tuesday, October 4, at 6:30 p.m. and run through November 29. To learn more or to register for either series click here, or call 859-572-2600.
For the Campbell County Extension Horticultural Newsletter, click here.
This Friday and Saturday, Turner Farm is hosting dinner events to raise awareness for the University of Cincinnati Center for Integrative Health and Wellness. For information and reservations, click here.
Michaelmas Celebration at Homeadow Song Farm takes place at 4 p.m. this Saturday, September 24. Michaelmas is a celebration of the abundance of summer and the transition into fall. For more information, click here. RSVP by September 22 by email: