Since the coronavirus pandemic some of the in-person services the library offers have had to be put on hold. And that includes the popular storytimes that bring families together with a librarian to share a book. Now the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County is taking a new approach to storytime by helping parents and caregivers tackle important conversations through books.
The Storytime at Home series, "Important Conversations," is a video series, hosted on the library's YouTube channel. Through books, the librarians tackle a variety of subjects including conflict, racism, death, and sadness.
The library also has a special program coming up August 18, Teaching Resiliency in Troubled Times. It will help parents support their child through a shifting landscape of learning this year.
Joining Cincinnati Edition to discuss the series is Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Price Hill Branch Manager Sondra Presley.
Listen to Cincinnati Edition live at noon M-F. Audio for this segment will be uploaded after 4 p.m. ET.
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