Cincinnati Council's Budget and Finance Committee Tuesday approved a pay raise and a one-time bonus for City Manager Milton Dohoney, Jr.
The committee passed the measure 6-2 and the full Council will vote on the issue Thursday.
The proposal, distributed to Council Members minutes before the meeting started, would increase his annual salary to $255,000. Right now Dohoney is paid $232,081.51.
The proposed ordinance would also include a one-time payment of $34,892.17.
Increasing Dohoney's compensation follows a performance evaluation that was completed on November 7th. Mayor Mark Mallory and Council Members Charlie Winburn, Cecil Thomas and Yvette Simpson completed the review. Dohoney received "meets expectations" or "exceeds expectations" in all categories on the four page long evaluation. There were no marks for "needs improvements."
City Council recently changed the review process with Mayor Mallory now appointing all the members of the evaluation team. Until last month, the Mayor only selected one Council Member for the group.
The pay raise and bonus for the City Manager comes as his budget teams works to close a nearly $40 million deficit in the city's General Fund. That plan could include laying off city workers to make the budget balance. The budget is expected to be released later this month.