A new report from RealtyTrac lists Ohio as fourth in the U.S. for states with the most vacant properties- 86,416, behind Florida, Michigan and Texas. Ohio is fifth when if comes to so-called "zombie foreclosures," unoccupied homes not yet repossessed.
The RealtyTrac report shows 1.9 percent total residential property vacant in Cincinnati totaling 11,875. In Dayton 8,928 properties are vacant or 3.2 percent.
Executive Director of Working in Neighborhoods (WIN) Sister Barbara Busch puts the 11,985 vacant homes number into perspective. "Which if you put into one single neighborhood of West Price Hill, if would cover all of West Price Hill and the additional properties of Covedale and East Price Hill."
Busch says Price Hill and Avondale have a large number of foreclosed vacant homes but even small neighborhoods are affected. She says the city's ordinance requiring foreclosing lenders to register and keep up their properties has helped.
WIN continues to offer foreclosure counseling and is fixing up vacant homes in South Cumminsville and College Hill.