Cincinnati Council could soon be drafting an ordinance that sets up an annual review process for the city manager.
The Rules and Audit Committee approved the plan Tuesday and the full council could vote on it Wednesday.
The action follows city manager Harry Black's recent pay raise that came without a formal council review of his performance. Some council members objected to the pay hike for that reason.
Council Member Yvette Simpson said the work needs to happen now to have the review process in place for next year.
“Let’s the city manager know far enough in advance what are expectations are of him so that he can correct his behavior or direct his behavior in a way to hopefully meet and exceed our expectations,” Simpson said. “So that will require us to determine what our expectations are, communicate those and give him a full year, or something close to that, to be able to meet those expectations.”
There is a 2012 city ordinance that lets the mayor setup such an evaluation. But council member Kevin Flynn said it lacks specifics.
“Any format, any basis on what we should be evaluating, and I’m not saying that we need to be dictating to any future council what the specific topics are that they should be evaluating,” Flynn said. “But at least providing a format by which the process can take place so that it’s not ad hoc each year.”
This latest effort would change that and give council more of a role in evaluating the city manager.