FC Cincinnati's West End stadium is rising out of the ground with steel framework going up to support the east and west side stands.
President Jeff Berding says construction is on budget and on time for the planned start of the 2021 season. He led a hard hat site tour Wednesday, a year after the team broke ground in 2018.
"It seems like not a whole lot has happened over the past year because we spent a good part of the last 12 months digging holes and pushing dirt," Berding says. "We're very excited today on the one year anniversary to see steel starting to go vertical."
The steel framing now visible on the site are the supports for the lower seating bowl, Berding explains. The team locker rooms will be under the west side stands with access up to field level by ramps.
"We expect the steel work will be done by mid-summer in 2020," he says, while also making a point of previously announced workforce inclusion numbers. "We are trending above the line for those inclusion targets. We're in a really good place and a lot of those sub-contracts are about to be awarded (and) we think we're in a good place to continue to exceed our inclusion goals."
Berding says several West End residents are working on the project as part of the CityLink First Source hiring partnership. He encourages neighborhood residents to "get in touch with us" if they're interested in stadium construction jobs.
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