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Todd Portune, Former Hamilton County Commissioner, Dies

todd portune
Bill Rinehart

Todd Portune, who spent nearly 30 years in local office, died at his home in Green Township Saturday, according to a statement from his family. He was 61.

"Todd was a tireless champion for all people, and has left the world a better place through his long legacy of care and love for Hamilton County," the statement read in part.

Portune had long struggled with cancer. On Sept. 12, 2019, he announced the disease had returned and that he would not seek re-election. He officially retired as county commissioner on Dec. 31, 2019. This piece by Howard Wilkinson first appeared on Sept. 16, 2019, one week after Portune announced he would retire.

If you are a young person – Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative – and you look to build a career in politics and public service, you would do well to look to Todd Portune as your role model.

His nearly 30 years in public office, from Cincinnati City Council to five terms as a Hamilton County commissioner, would be enough of a legacy. If you could serve in office that long, with honor and distinction, you could count your life as a success.

But would you be able to do it under the circumstances that Todd Portune has faced for the past 20 years, as his body fell apart, suffering incredible pain just getting up in the morning?

That is courage. That is dedication. That is above and beyond the call of duty. That is the kind of determination to do the job that takes the breath away of those who have watched him struggle each day with his physical limitations to do the job people elected him to do.

The suffering began with tumors on his spine discovered in 1996. Treatment of a blood clot in 2002 caused those tumors to hemorrhage, causing partial paralysis. A year ago, he had his left leg amputated because of another tumor, which led to another round of chemotherapy treatments. A fall at home in 2019 further injured his spine and put him back in a wheelchair.

His cancer returned in April and experimental treatments this past summer did nothing to stop it from spreading throughout his body.

Surrounded by colleagues and friends last September, with his two oldest children at his side, Todd Portune said he wouldn't run for re-election to a sixth term; and that his health may mean that he won't serve the remainder of this term. That came true on Dec. 31, 2019, when he submitted his letter of resignation.

"Whatever my future has in store for me from this point forward is good and is a blessing,'' Portune said. "And I thank God for the privilege to have had the life that I had. And if that means I get to live for a long time, that's great. And if that means that the Lord has something else in mind for me, then I'm comfortable with that too."

Todd Portune is a Democrat; when he was elected a county commissioner in 2000 he broke the vise grip that the Republicans had held on the county commissioner for four decades. And he was re-elected over, and over, and over, and over again.

Until the time when the brave man realized it was time to put his burden down.

I have covered politics for 45 years. I have come to know countless politicians of all political stripes.

But I have never known one with the courage of determination of Todd Portune.

I have marveled at the strength and will he has shown, continuing to do the work of an elected official and a leader, despite the pain, despite the struggle. Someone who has been dedicated to improving the lives of the least fortunate among us.

His fellow Democratic commissioner, Denise Driehaus, was at his side in September when Portune made his announcement. She later tweeted out her feelings about her friend and colleague.

"Todd Portune has stood tall in this community for decades, serving the public with unmatched dedication and enthusiasm,'' Driehaus said. "He has also been my friend from the time I worked for him as his legislative assistant at City Hall to today as his colleague on the county commission."

Ohio Democratic Party chairman David Pepper, who once served with Portune on the county commission, said his friend's legacy is "best measured by the thousands of people in the county who benefited from his never-ending quest to improve the lives of his constituents.

"From battling to decrease infant mortality, to broadening health care, to promoting issues such as environmental justice, equal opportunity and good jobs, Todd has never been distracted from the fundamental principle that politics and public service are about improving people's lives."

One reason I have always liked Todd is that he is able to laugh at himself; he doesn't take himself as seriously as many politicians do.

Portune had a reputation for being a marathon talker. When he warmed to a subject, he could go on and on and on, until people are either nodding off or pulling their hair out. He knew he was, well, loquacious; and wasn't afraid to make fun of himself for it.

Several years ago, I was giving a post-election talk at the Cincinnati Women's Political Caucus. Todd was in the audience. I can't remember the subject, but we got into a discussion of some obscure election procedure that seemed very important at the time.

A woman in the audience turned to Portune and asked him a question about the subject.

He had a brief reply: Yes.

I couldn't let it go.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know we have witnessed Hamilton County political history here tonight,'' I said. "Todd Portune answered a question with a single word. This is a first."

Everyone laughed. No one laughed more than Todd, sitting in the back of the room.

Another trait of Todd Portune that you find too little of in politics these days – a willingness to sit down and have a civil discussion with people who disagree with him on the issues.

Portune and Driehaus found themselves in some hot water when they passed a two-tenths of a cent increase in the sales tax to deal with a looming budget deficit.

Conservatives – backed by the Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending and Taxes (COAST) and the Hamilton County Republican Party – launched a petition drive to put a repeal of the sales tax increase on the November 2018 ballot. They succeeded in getting enough signatures, but the county commissioners ended up withdrawing the sales tax increase.

After Portune made his announcement, Hamilton County Republican Party chairman Alex Triantafilou reminded followers of his Facebook page that, in the summer of 2018, not long after Portune had his left leg amputated, the Democratic county commissioner showed up unexpected at a meeting of the leaders of the petition drive at Price Hill Chili.

"Todd had the gumption to show up at our petition-signing party at Price Hill Chili," Triantafilou said. "He showed up, answered questions, respectfully and politely argued with us and faced the people.

"Todd came and faced his critics,'' Triantafilou said. "I have much respect for politicians who do that, even when I wildly disagree.

And the GOP chairman asked "every citizen here, and every Republican" to pray for Portune's healing.

"Some things are bigger than politics,'' Triantafilou said.

Indeed, there are things far bigger than politics. That, too, is a lesson the young aspiring politician can learn from the example of Todd Portune.

Godspeed, Todd. Job well done.

Howard Wilkinson is in his 50th year of covering politics on the local, state and national levels.