WVXU reporters and its network of member stations are working hard to bring you all the latest information on coronavirus in our region. We will carry presidential and gubernatorial addresses on air and online when possible.
If you want to get caught up on what each governor has had to say so far, here are each state's governor's available resources:
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine
You can watch all of DeWine's remarks at OhioChannel.org. He is also keeping the public updated on the news and on any upcoming press conferences via his Twitter account.
You can find the latest updates on coronavirus in Ohio at coronavirus.ohio.gov. Ohio's coronavirus call center is open daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The number is 1-833-4-ASK-ODH or 1-833-427-5634.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear
Governor Beshear has a YouTube channel where he is live-streaming most announcements. He also has a Twitter account where he is keeping the public updated.
Kentucky also has a website up with the latest updates, which you can find at kycovid19.ky.gov. Its hotline is 1-800-722-5725.
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb
Governor Holcomb is making the public aware of his remarks via Twitter and you can watch some of his remarks on YouTube. You can also find the state's latest information on coronavirus at in.gov/coronavirus. The state's coronavirus call center line is 317-233-1325.