Pool sales are making a splash during the pandemic. The Tri-State is mirroring a national trend as people avoid public pools and make an above ground or in-ground pool part of their staycation.
The Cincinnati area outdoor recreation company Watson's says business "has been crazy off-the-hook busy."
Sharonville Watson's sales manager Jerry Smith says despite COVID-19 the interest surprised him. "It did. We had people still working in the store while we were closed taking phone calls and we could tell the interest level was very high and we were even selling pools over the phone. So we got an early indication but certainly nothing this strong."
Smith says some customers told him they are very scared about the coronavirus and not planning on traveling at all. Others say they will travel this fall but for now will enjoy their new backyard pool.
Other pool companies, which didn't want to be named, tell WVXU sales are equally as strong. One in-ground pool installer says they are booked well into next year.
If you want an above-ground pool this summer you'll have to install it yourself or hire somebody else to do it because Watson's says it is booked until the fall.
Looking for a cheaper alternative? Even inflatable pools are in high demand.