Looking Up Franchise
Dean describes some of the world's more remote observatories, and chats with professor of physics and astronomy at Eastern Michigan University and the director of the Sherzer Observatory, Norbert Vance, about his experience traveling to one of them.This episode features the following songs (and licenses): "TK Shell," Blue Dot Sessions, Free Music Archive,CC BY-NC, "3.07," Anemoia, Free Music Archive, CC BY-NC-SA, "5.39", Anemoia, Free Music Archive, CC BY-NC-SA, and "Rose Lemonade," Brylie Christopher Oxley, Free Music Archive, CC BY.The following sound effect was used in this episode: Wind2.aif by pushtobreak -- https://freesound.org/s/17756/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Dean chats with one of the all-time experts in antique telescopes and curator of the most unique telescope museum, the Astronomical Lyceum in New Mexico, John Briggs.This episode uses the song "Almond Biter", Blue Dot Sessions, Free Music Archive, CC BY-NC.Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Dean chats with Mike Brown, the so-called "killer of Pluto," about why Pluto was demoted from planet status and how people have reacted to the change. And about a new planet that might take it's place!Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
This holiday season we are re-releasing an episode of Looking Up that was a 2024 Excellence in Journalism Recipient from the Society of Professional Journalists Awards! Dean chats with author Maria Popova about the first recognized female astronomer in the United States, Maria Mitchell. Listen to learn about her exciting comet discovery, and the best way to catch a comet sighting yourself! Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Dean explores METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) with astrobiologist Julia DeMarines. Discover the potential risks and rewards of humanity 'making noise' in the cosmos.Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Have you ever heard someone say, "We are all made of stardust"? Dr. Scott Nutter, Regents Professor of Physics at Northern Kentucky University, takes Dean on a scientific adventure to the Arctic to learn more.Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Dean chats with Dr. Erin Leonard, planetary geologist and project staff scientist for the Europa Clipper mission. What does it take to send a spacecraft to one of Jupiter's moons? And could there be liquid water waiting on the surface?Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Dean chats with Dr. Katie Mack, astrophysicist, cosmologist, and author of the book, "The End of Everything." They discuss how all of this might end, could it be a crunch, a freeze or a rip? Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcast Find Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Dean chats with Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger, an astrophysicist, astrobiologist and author of, "Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos." Listen in to hear about the strangest exoplanets Dr. Kaltenegger has come across, and if an Earth 2.0 is out there waiting to be found.Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastFind Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com
Dean chats with astronomer and artist Dr. Tyler Nordgren. Listen in to hear about how Dr. Nordgren revived the style of vintage WPA posters to raise awareness for night sky preservation in national parks!What are your fave works of art with an astronomy theme? Send us your thoughts at lookingup@wvxu.org or post them on social media using #lookinguppodcastMusic this episode: "SG Transmission," Line Exchange," "Tannis Corner Stall," and "TK Shell," from Blue Dot Sessions VIA the Free Music Archive (CC by NC) as well as "Zion" by SalmonLikeTheFish via the Free Music Archive (CC by NC-SA).Find Us Online: Twitter: @lookinguppod @deanregas, Instagram: @917wvxu @deanregas, Tiktok: @cincinnatipublicradio @astronomerdean, Episode transcript: www.wvxu.org/podcast/looking-up, More from Dean: www.astrodean.com