This week on Start Hear:
- Levar Burton Reads: Lose yourself in a great story as LeVar Burton reads a piece of short fiction.
- Today in True Crime: Crime never takes a day off, and neither do we.
- Bawse with a Cause: A podcast designed to explore and advance the perspectives, experiences, stories, and insights of leaders of color in the wider nonprofit sector.
And we look at the some of the titles making themselves known on
- 1619: In August of 1619, a ship carrying more than 20 enslaved Africans arrived in the British colony of Virginia. America was not yet America, but this was the moment it began.
- The Clearing: When April Balascio was 40 years old, something she'd feared for decades was finally proven true. Her father, Edward Wayne Edwards, really was a murderer.
You can find these and other great podcast titles at