Andy Chow
Andy Chow is a general assignment state government reporter who focuses on environmental, energy, agriculture, and education-related issues. He started his journalism career as an associate producer with ABC 6/FOX 28 in Columbus before becoming a producer with WBNS 10TV.
Andy gained his in-depth knowledge of Statehouse issues while working for Hannah News Service, an online-based news and research publication. He also participated in the Legislative Service Commission’s Fellowship program as a production assistant for “The Ohio Channel.”
Andy earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in broadcasting atOtterbeinUniversity and took part in the Washington Semester program through American University in Washington, D.C.
Right-leaning states moved to make ballot measures tougher to pass after success of voter initiatives on abortion rights, marijuana and Medicaid expansion. That's led to pushback from state lawmakers.
Gov. Mike DeWine says his office is getting calls every day with suggestions of who should fill the empty seat on the Ohio Supreme Court left by Sharon Kennedy after she won her race for chief justice. One of those rumored recommendations is Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters.
Lawmakers made a change to the resolution that raises the bar for constitutional amendments to include legislative initiatives.
The new funding would be from the state's general revenue funds along with a federal match.
Voters will see two statewide issues in the November election which were placed on the Ohio ballot by state legislators through two joint resolutions, passed by a Republican-majority and with support from some Democratic lawmakers.
Candidates Tim Ryan and J.D. Vance have been hammering away at each other in campaign ads and debates. While the economy has been the top issue discussed among voters, other wedge issues have stirred the pot in this heated race.
While 2022 has been marked by several topics that stir controversy among voters, such as abortion and immigration, the one issue that consistently polls higher than anything else is the economy.
House Speaker Bob Cupp (R-Lima), Senate President Matt Huffman (R-Lima), Sen. Rob McColley (R-Napoleon), and Rep. Jeff LaRe (R-Violet Twp.) said in a joint statement that they believe the Ohio Supreme Court ruling on July 19, against their congressional district map, was “fundamentally flawed.”
The state constitution requires Ohio to raise the minimum wage each year based on the rate of inflation from a 12-month span. The Consumer Price Index from September 2021 through August 2022 was 8.7%. This means the state’s current minimum wage of $9.30 will jump to $10.10 an hour for non-tipped employees and $5.05 an hour for tipped employees.
The candidates for U.S. Senate have both agreed to two debates in northeast Ohio for October.