What if the race of your neighbors determined whether you could get a loan to buy or renovate a house? Just decades ago, that was the reality in many communities thanks to policies set by private lenders and the federal government.
A new documentary produced by Dayton PBS station Think TV and Cincinnati PBS station CET delves deep into the history and impact of decisions made in the 1930s that set patterns of racial segregation
many American communities still struggle with today. Redlining: Mapping Inequality in Dayton and Springfield tells that story on national and local levels.
The documentary premieres on CET and Think TV Feb. 24 at 9 p.m. Both stations will hold a virtual screening of the documentary Feb. 22 at 7 p.m.
Joining Cincinnati Edition to discuss the documentary and redlining's lasting legacy are producer Richard Wonderling; assistant producer Selena Burks-Rentschler; and University of Dayton Fitz Center for Leadership in Community Executive Director Dr. Nancy McHugh.
Listen to Cincinnati Edition live at noon M-F. Audio for this segment will be uploaded after 4 p.m. ET.
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