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How to get your garden through a dry stretch


Saturday marks the first day of fall, and we're experiencing another dry stretch. Are your trees and shrubs or flowers and vegetables in need of a good watering?

Our experts have advice for dealing with drought conditions in your garden and landscape. They also have tips for transitioning your house plants back inside.

Plus, it's time to take stock of the season and learn from successes and failures.

It's a full hour of gardening with our panel of experts here to answer your questions.


  • Kymisha Montgomery, urban agriculture coordinator, Civic Garden Center
  • Brandon George, horticulture extension agent, Kenton County Extension Office
  • Scott Beuerlein, manager of botanical garden outreach, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden

Ways to listen to this show:

  • Tune in live at noon ET M-F. Call 513-419-7100 or email  to have your voice heard on today’s topic.
  • Catch the replay on 91.7 WVXU and 88.5 WMUB at 8 p.m. ET M-F.
  • Listen on-demand. Audio for this segment will be uploaded to this page by 4 p.m. ET., or subscribe to our podcast.
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