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Can plants sense and react to touch?

A butterfly with blue, white and purple wings rests on a wet red leaf.
Bill Rinehart

It’s not easy being green — plants have feelings, too.

According to a Washington State University-led study, plants can sense when something touches them and lets go. We’ll learn more about how plants respond to touch and how they use their sensitivity as a superpower.

Plus, your family’s not the only one who runs on a schedule — your yard and garden do, too. We’ll learn how to use nature’s calendar — phenology — to manage and maintain your garden throughout the year.

On Cincinnati Edition, we talk about the secret life of plants, how to use a phenology calendar, and take your gardening questions at 513-419-7100 and


  • Carrie Brown, extension educator, Ohio State University Extension
  • Brandon George, horticulture extension agent, Kenton County Extension Office
  • Kymisha Montgomery, urban agriculture coordinator, Civic Garden Center

Ways to listen to this show:

  • Tune in live at noon ET M-F. Call 513-419-7100 or email to have your voice heard on today’s topic.
  • Catch the replay on 91.7 WVXU and 88.5 WMUB at 8 p.m. ET M-F.
  • Listen on-demand. Audio for this segment will be uploaded to this page by 4 p.m. ET., or subscribe to our podcast.
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