Republican Jeff Pastor is hanging on to a slim 223 vote lead over Democrat Michelle Dillingham in the official count of the November 7 Cincinnati City…
WVXU politics reporter Howard Wilkinson talked with News Director Maryanne Zeleznik Monday about what happened in last Tuesday's election; and what the…
Here are some random observations on Tuesday's election – but by no means the last word on the subject.You may think it is done, but it's not quite time…
John Cranley has won another four years as Cincinnati's mayor in a romp over Council Member Yvette Simpson.Cranley bested Simpson with 54 percent of the…
WVXU politics reporter Howard Wilkinson talked with News Director Maryanne Zeleznik Monday morning about Tuesday's election. Will it be a long night when…
Hamilton County election officials expect that state Issue 2 - not the mayoral or council races - will account for a possible spike in Cincinnati's…
Some final, very random, thoughts on Tuesday's election:Mega-bucks mayoral race: Does it really take something in the neighborhood of $3 million to get…
WVXU politics reporter Howard Wilkinson talked with News Director Maryanne Zeleznik Monday morning about the Cincinnati City Council election. It's the…
WVXU politics reporter Howard Wilkinson spoke with News Director Maryanne Zeleznik Monday about Mayor John Cranley's attack ads on opponent Yvette Simpson…
Ask just about anybody who knows John Eby of Westwood – Republican, Democrat or Charterite – and they will tell you the same thing:John would have been a…