Now that we’re into the early part of June, what is the status of the Cincinnati Parks and what events and activities are they hosting this month? Lou…
Downtown Cincinnati Incorporated (DCI) and the city's Parks Department are working together to bring new activities and programming to Piatt Park in…
The Cincinnati Park Board will have new leadership next year.President Otto Budig announced during a board meeting Thursday morning he will not seek…
Representatives from the Cincinnati Parks Department and the Park Board say they are working to implement observations from a fiscal review released last…
Some Cincinnati Council members are still asking that audits of the Metropolitan Sewer District and the city's parks department be released before votes…
Cincinnati park officials say there was nothing illegal, immoral or unethical about the way Smale Riverfront Park was constructed.A recent Cincinnati…
Update: During this program, anti-Issue 22 advocate Donald J. Mooney Jr. was critical of the Cincinnati Park Board for taking a $200,000 donation from the…
An effort to put a levy on the November ballot to support Cincinnati Parks got a major boost Friday. Volunteers announced they had collected more than…
Cincinnati’s Park system is getting more national recognition in “The Trust for Public Land’s ParkScore” index released Wednesday. Cincinnati received 4.5…