A Cincinnati City Council committee voted to approve using more than $3 million to help The Port purchase two vacant former industrial sites in Northside.
The Port has secured city and county funds for the potential $2.5 million purchase of the historic building
The Greater Cincinnati Realtist Association is listing eight homes acquired and rehabbed by The Port from an out-of-town landlord.
The legislation would block tax breaks for companies that own 50 or more single-family rental properties.
Hamilton County will get more than $17 million — the most in Ohio — to demolish and remediate blighted buildings, including a key parcel in downtown Cincinnati's convention district and a hazardous industrial site along the Mill Creek.
The nearly $13 million will be used to turn seven contaminated properties into pad-ready sites, according to The Port's Todd Castellini.
The Port is in the final stages of purchasing 194 single-family homes in an effort to keep them affordable and transition some of their tenants to homeownership.
The Community Economic Advancement Initiative, an organization founded in 2015 to support the African American community in Cincinnati, has loosely broken…
Clearing once-contaminated sites along the Mill Creek and redeveloping them is a slow and expensive process. For those who live in communities like South…
Within the next two years, people could start living in what once was the fifth tallest building in the world and what is now the third tallest building…