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The Ohio Newsroom

The Ohio Newsroom

Our Local News Challenge

In many cities and towns across the country, newspapers and television stations are becoming a dying breed and in turn, limiting the number of viable options for those seeking unbiased local news, information, and community.

Public media is the solution: 95% of Americans live within range of a public radio signal

To address the local news crisis and to help serve important local and regional news and information to Ohioans, public media organizations across Ohio have partnered to launch The Ohio Newsroom, a formal collaboration of Ohio’s existing network of public radio newsrooms that creates a sustainable model offering news coverage, including stories that may not have otherwise been told.

The Ohio Newsroom is grateful to its founding funders for their vision to invest in statewide public service reporting in Ohio:

• The James W. and Anne H.S. Nethercott Public Media and Responsible Journalism Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
• The Corporation for Public Broadcasting
• Ohio Humanities
• The Reitman Family
• Margie and John Wheeler