Throughout Cincinnati, residents, community leaders and organizations are working to improve conditions in their neighborhoods. But repurposing old…
Price Hill is known for more than just its famous chili; it?'s a neighborhood in the midst of revitalization with renovated homes, young musicians and…
Incorporated on March 15, 1870, Bellevue, Kentucky, just across the Ohio from Cincinnati, sits on land originally granted to General James Taylor. The…
Westwood is the city's largest neighborhood in terms of its geographical size, and it's the most heavily populated at 30,000 residents. At one point, it…
NOTE: This program originally aired April 9, 2014. Launched in 2007, the Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) is a 90-day collaborative effort between…
NOTE: This program originally aired on April 9, 2014. We continue our discussion on the Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP), and how local community…
A railroad company is rejecting Cincinnati's request to reduce train horn noise in the city's Hartwell neighborhood and other nearby communities. CSX…
Over the Rhine, Cincinnati's largest historic neighborhood, has undergone dramatic changes over the last two decades. But while more professionals are…
Cincinnati's proposed budget cuts funding for a program that guides revitalization and growth activities in some of the city's neighborhood business…
Cincinnati Council could approve a report next month that would let the city move forward with a plan to reduce the noise freight trains make when…