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Art History at the CAM: Impressionism to the Present

Art History at the CAM: Impressionism to the Present

During this third class in our Art History series, we will survey the history of art from the early modern period through the 20th century (roughly 1800-2000) in Europe and the United States. We will discuss key developments of the avant-garde by introducing the aesthetic innovations of Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Dada, and Abstract Expressionism, among others. Rather than lecture, the instructor will lead a tour of the collection and supplement it with an iPad presentation of works of art from other museum collections, including those from the Louve, The Met, The Art Institute of Chicago and others. We will end the series in the Cincinnati Wing. These galleries, exciting and rare for art museums, are devoted to the presentation of Cincinnati’s history of art. Students will develop a broad understanding of the most representative works from each era and region, while also learning how specific objects from the museum’s collection fit within the history of art.

Cincinnati Art Museum
Every week through Apr 25, 2024.
Thursday: 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM