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Edible gardens and fruit trees in your landscape

  Maintaining a garden or landscape takes a lot of time and effort, mulching, weeding and watering, to keep everything healthy and looking good. You’re doing all of that work, why not get a bit more out of it by substituting blueberries, vegetables, herbs, or other edible plants for some of the flowers you typically grow, or maybe add a fruit tree to your yard? Joining us to discuss edible gardening and to answer your questions are apple orchardist Marsha Lindner; Melinda O'Briant Adult Education director at Turner Farm; and, David Koester, Campbell County Horticulture extension agent.

Hayfields Orchard will host two workshops on how to successfully grow fruit in our region, and a hands-on grafting practicum. For information click here. Information on other upcoming classes at Turner Farms can be found here.