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Everything you want to know about composting


Composting can be a great way to reduce the amount of waste you send to the landfill and add nutrient rich soil to your garden. But how do you get started? What do you add to your compost? And what if you don’t even have a yard?

There are a number of organizations and resources locally to help you start the process and even collect your food scraps if you don’t have the available space.

On Cincinnati Edition, we’ll discuss compost best practices and discuss the barriers to a county-wide residential curbside composting program and how leaders are working to address those barriers. Plus, we’ll hear how a recent high school grad has developed a smart home composting system to help people get better results with their compost pile.


  • Michelle Balz, solid waste manager, Hamilton County Resource
  • Marie Hopkins, founder, Queen City Commons
    Angelina DiPaola, co-founder of “Compai

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  • Tune in live at noon ET M-F. Call 513-419-7100 or email to have your voice heard on today’s topic.
  • Catch the replay on 91.7 WVXU and 88.5 WMUB at 8 p.m. ET M-F.
  • Listen on-demand. Audio for this segment will be uploaded to this page by 4 p.m. ET., or subscribe to our podcast.
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