After winning Ohio by a comfortable eight-point margin four years ago, Donald Trump finds himself in a statistical tie with Joe Biden for Ohio's 18…
This presidential election in Ohio is clearly going to shatter all previous records for turnout. By the time the polling places open on Nov. 3, over half…
Ohio is back in the conversation when it comes to presidential politics, but two things are certain in this year of almost universal uncertainty.Joe Biden…
Joe Biden brought his campaign for the presidency to Cincinnati Monday with a message for Ohio Democrats – their votes matter; and they can help him heal…
After Donald Trump won Ohio by a convincing eight percentage point margin in 2016, there was an assumption by many Republicans and Democrats that Ohio…
For the first time FBI agents can remember, they will hold a pre-election meeting in Columbus Friday afternoon with the Ohio Secretary of State and the U.…
Four years ago, Ohio made Donald Trump very happy by handing him its 18 electoral votes. This year, Ohio has the potential to make him very unhappy by…
Will we know if Joe Biden will be the 46th POTUS on the night of the Nov. 3 election, or will Donald Trump be in place for another four years?Given the…
As of mid-week, over 1 million Ohioans had requested absentee ballots for the November election. Election officials expect that many or more between now…
Absentee mail-in ballots are getting most of the attention in the upcoming Nov. 3 presidential election, but in Ohio, county election officials have a…