What do the lizard's tail, prairie mimosa and the lance-leaf buckthorn have in common? They are all plants UC Biologist Denis Conover has identified as…
Environmental scientist and entrepreneur Summer Rayne Oakes has just released her latest book, How to Make a Plant Love You: Cultivate Green Space in Your…
We are getting close to the time of year when many people consider turning over their gardens and allowing them to rest until spring. But there is still…
The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden will present its sixth annual Plant Trials Day symposium on August 18. The popular horticultural event provides…
Pretty much every spirit known to man begins life as some sort of plant: sake began with a grain of rice; scotch emerged from barley; tequila from agave;…
The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden will be hosting its Native Plants Symposium on November 10, presenting a day of expert and entertaining speakers…
Our friends at the Cincinnati Zoo aren’t only into protecting and preserving animals; they are also into doing the same thing for plants. In this week’s…
The 2012 Plant Trials Day at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens is August 29. Hundreds of Master Gardeners, industry professionals, garden clubs and…