A poem from Pauletta Hansel called “Our Words: Cincinnati, April 2017,” written when she was Poet Laureate for Cincinnati.
For Halloween fun, the poem The Cremation of Sam McGee, read by Michael Blankenship.The poem was written by Robert W. Service and published in 1907’s…
John Carter Cash, son of the legendary country singer/songwriter Johnny Cash, has written the forward for a collection of poems from his father, Forever…
Lynn Robbins is a poet who lives in Cold Spring, Kentucky and recently released When You Sit To Write: Poems of support and inspiration for writers to…
A poetry reading by Dr. Norman Finkelstein from his sequence of poems, From The Files of the Imminent Foundation.
Brian Volck reads his poem, Sacraments, from his book Flesh Becomes Word.
Dr. Herbert Woodward Martin shares another of his poems, On the Flyleaf to the Lighthouse, from his latest poetry collection, On the Flyleaf: Poems.
Brian Volck recites his poem In Winter from his book, Flesh Becomes Word.