There are a lot of myths about the habits, attitudes and desires of the millennial generation, those born between 1979 and 1994. But one reality is the uncertain economic future millennials face.
The Great Recession left more than 15 percent of millennials in their early 20s out of work. Many are struggling to pay back massive student loan debt while working low-paying jobs. According to a 2017 GfK Consumer Life survey, 41 percent of millennials between the ages of 18 and 29 said they were unsure of how to handle financial matters. And 51 percent said the amount of money they live on is a major cause of stress.
Conor Richardson, a certified public accountant and a millennial, says financial success can be engineered. And he has put together a guide, MILLENNIAL MONEY MAKEOVER, to help his generation navigate financial issues and create a more secure financial future.
Conor Richardson (@ConorRich36) joins Cincinnati Edition, along with Wells Fargo Financial Advisor Chris DeSimio, to discuss some of the key advice found in MILLENNIAL MONEY MAKEOVER.
Listeners are reminded the information provided on the show is general in nature and may not apply to your personal investment situation.
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