Marshall County High School students will be greeted by dozens of ‘Marshall Strong’ signs as they return to school on Thursday.
‘Marshall Strong’ is the community hashtag that emerged after the deadly school shooting in January.
Benton Mayor Rita Dotson is asking community members to bring signs and support to the entrance road to the school on Thursday.
She said she’s spoken with students, teachers and parents who are still apprehensive and upset.
“The community support is out there, and many of us just don’t know what to do," Dotson said. "So this was one obvious thing just to say ‘hey, we’re thinking about you, we’re praying for you, we’re here to show our support today.”
Dotson said people can drop off their signs at City Hall if they aren’t able to attend the support line at the high school on Thursday morning.
She said anyone who wants to join her in welcoming students needs to meet at Keepsake Monuments by the high school at 7:00 that morning.
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