On the last Sunday in March, a dozen Revelation Baptist Church worshippers are wearing royal purple accents as they bounce between aisles making sure the…
Black women have the highest mortality rates when it comes to a lot of diseases despite in some cases being less likely to have those diseases in the…
New research shows that a lack of diversity in the classroom continues to impact students, culturally and academically, but that little is being done to…
Fortune 500 companies, craft breweries and eateries tend to dominate business coverage of Cincinnati. But Essence magazine says the Queen City is the…
Aug. 22 is Black Women's Equal Pay Day. That's the day in 2019 that symbolizes how much longer black women have to work before their wages catch up to…
The 31st Black Family Reunion is this weekend. While the annual celebration has disappeared from other communities, local organizers say it's going strong…
Cincinnati's first African American firefighter died at his home in the Philippines earlier this year. Herbert Bane's passing didn't go unnoticed…
The income disparity between African Americans and whites in Cincinnati is vast. Only 18% of businesses are black-owned, according to the State of Black…
Tuesday marks the first-ever meeting of the Ohio Black Maternal Health Caucus.
An African and hip-hop fusion cultural show will be showcasing hair on Sunday. Afro Swag brings together live performances and hairstyles to celebrate…