Ohio's Secretary of State has scuttled a move by Democrats on the Hamilton County Board of Elections to refer Anderson Township Trustee Andrew Pappas for…
An angry exchange broke out Tuesday morning among members of the Hamilton County Board of Elections over accusations of a election law violation by…
Wednesday night the two major party candidates for Ohio governor, Democrat Richard Cordray and Republican Mike DeWine, had their first of three scheduled…
It will be up to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to decide whether Anderson Township trustee Andrew Pappas can be subpoenaed to appear before the…
A complaint filed with the Hamilton County Board of Elections claims Anderson Township Trustee Andrew S. Pappas broke Ohio law while gathering petitions…
Democratic challenger Denise Driehaus barely edged out Republican incumbent Dennis Deters Tuesday night for a seat on the Hamilton County Board of…
Two of the three seats on the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners are up for election this year; and at stake is the balance of power between the…
There are two seats up for election next month on the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners. The current board is made up of two Republicans and one…
State Representative Denise Driehaus is officially launching her campaign for Hamilton County Commission. She's running to unseat incumbent commissioner,…