These days, there are many different routes to getting a book published. One popular way is using a fee-based subsidized press. Sue Ann Painter from…
The 11th Annual Books by the Banks Cincinnati Regional Book Festival returns to the Duke Energy Convention Center on Saturday, October 28. The free event,…
Being a successful writer is a lifelong dream for many. But writing is a business, one that can be extremely complicated, frustrating and difficult to…
From the days of wooden bleachers and playing fields put together in a matter of weeks for a few thousand dollars to today’s massive stadiums that can run…
There’s a new opportunity for writers of young adult books to get their works read, critiqued, and possibly published. Joining Kelly Blewett to talk about…
The 10th Annual Books by the Banks Cincinnati Regional Book Festival will happen Saturday, October 15 at the Duke Energy Convention Center. Joining…
Greater Cincinnati has become home to several successful business incubators and accelerators, for start-ups ranging from hi-tech computer firms to cookie…
Lee Hay talks with longtime Cincinnati resident Barbara Everett Heintz about her book Pinkhoneysuckle, a semi-autobiographical tale of a woman growing up…
He started as a paper mill worker in Chillicothe, living in Knockemstiff, Ohio, and now, 30 years later, he has published two books to great critical and…
New York Times bestselling author Sheryl Woods has recently introduced readers to her new Ocean Breeze trilogy of emotional novels, and she’s with our…