Cincinnati Council voted Wednesday to override two vetoes Mayor John Canley issued last week on ordinances concerning updates to this year's budget and…
Cincinnati Council could vote Wednesday on about $5.4 million dollars in changes to the city's budget for the current year. The plan would allow the…
Cincinnati Council could vote Wednesday on a proposal that spends some of the $1.7 million leftover from last year's budget. The plan also includes…
Cincinnati's general fund budget deficit for the next fiscal year is getting worse. Budget Director Chris Bigham told council members Monday the shortfall…
At least three Cincinnati Council members want to revisit the city's living wage ordinance to increase the hourly pay rate for part-time city employees to…
Cincinnati City Manager Harry Black announced Wednesday the projected general fund budget deficit for the next fiscal year has ballooned to $25.1…
So far Cincinnati is not hitting the revenue projections needed to meet this year's city budget. Those revenues were about $2 million less than what was…
Cincinnati City Council has decided to keep collecting $28.9 million in property taxes to support the city's general fund budget. It has been at that…
Cincinnati City Council won't approve a new budget for another six months, but already the city manager is projecting a deficit of between $7 and $9…
Cincinnati council is expected to vote Wednesday to increase water rates by 3.75 percent for each of the next 5 years. The funds will be used to continue…