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Where to donate handcrafted items in Greater Cincinnati

a light blue knit hat and a purple and white knit scarf lay on top of a pastel-colored knitted blanket
Becca Costello

There are dozens of organizations and charities in Greater Cincinnati that accept donations of handcrafted items, but it can be difficult to find the right fit.

Most organizations accept donations year-round, not just during cold months. Bethany House, which works with families experiencing homelessness, gives each family a basic essentials kit for moving into a new space.

"Sometimes families are coming in with just the clothes off their back," says Volunteer Coordinator Maribel Zayas Pergola. "When they arrive to Bethany House, it's when the healing begins, so it's so nice to be able to offer them something that's handmade, because obviously, people put so much work into those things."

Pergola says it's especially nice to be able to offer a new mom a blanket for her newborn.

"As a mom, you want something beautiful to wrap your baby in," she says.

Pergola says donations tend to pick up during the holidays, so it's good to have items coming in the rest of the year as well.

Donating handcrafted items serves another purpose, too: it's an outlet for anyone who enjoys the artistry of making these items.

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"A lot of people who learn how to quilt, they get really into it," says Margaret Snider. "And then they figure out, 'Well, I've given all my children a quilt, and I've given all my grandchildren a quilt, and I've given all my nieces and nephews a quilt, and we've done weddings, and we've done christenings, and now I don't know — who do I make a quilt for?' "

Snider is the local chapter coordinator for Project Linus, a national nonprofit that distributes blankets to children in need.

Blankets donated locally are distributed to local children through partner agencies, including Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, Bethany House, and Hope Emergency.

Here are a few nonprofits and more loosely-organized volunteer groups that distribute to local people in need.

Note: this list is not intended to be comprehensive. If you'd like your nonprofit or volunteer group to be included, please contact

Bethany House

Items accepted:

  • Hats, scarves, gloves/mittens (all sizes)
  • Blankets (knit, crochet, quilt, fleece, etc.)

Bethany House Services works with families experiencing homelessness. Services include prevention of homelessness, emergency shelter, housing programs, comprehensive case management, post-shelter support, and permanent affordable rental housing.

How to donate:

Contact Volunteer Coordinator Maribel Zayas Pergola Pergola to arrange a time for drop-off: or 513-813-4222.

Project Linus

Items accepted:

  • Blankets (see details below)
  • Material/yarn for others to use for making blankets

Project Linus is a national nonprofit with a local chapter covering Greater Cincinnati.

Blankets donated locally are distributed to local children through partner agencies, including Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, Bethany House, and Hope Emergency.

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The local chapter also accepts donations of unused materials like fabric and yarn, so that others can make blankets with them.

The Southwest Ohio chapter covers Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren counties. See a list of other Project Linus chapters on their website here:

How to donate:

Contact Margaret Snider at 513-321-2065 or

More detail:

Crayons to Computers

Items accepted:

  • Hats, scarves, gloves/mittens (children's sizes)

Crayons to Computers is a Cincinnati-based nonprofit that offers teachers basic school supplies like pencils, crayons, glue, and notebooks. Teachers can "shop" for items needed for their classroom; during the colder months, the resource center also offers handmade hats, mittens, and scarves that teachers can take and distribute to their students.

How to donate:

Drop off during donation hours (Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., or by appointment at 1350 Tennessee Ave. Go to the loading dock in the west parking lot entrance and call 513-482-3290 for assistance upon arrival.

St. Vincent de Paul

Items accepted:

  • Hats, scarves, gloves/mittens (all sizes)

St. Vincent de Paul is a nonprofit with a variety of programs, including food pantries, a charitable pharmacy, homelessness prevention, and education.

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SVDP organizes a winter coat drive every year and also accepts handmade hats, scarves, and mittens. All sizes are accepted, but the greatest need is for adult items.

How to donate:

The next SVDP coat drive is from Oct. 15 until Jan. 31, 2025. Learn more at


Items accepted:

  • Hats, scarves (adult sizes)

Shelterhouse offers temporary housing for adults experiencing homelessness at the David & Rebecca Barron Center for Men and the Esther Marie Hatton Center for Women. The Winter Shelter typically operates from December to February with additional capacity at the men's center.

How to donate:

Shelterhouse continuously accepts donations of food, clothing, and toiletries. Learn more about accepted items at

Call 513-562-1948 to arrange dropping off a donation.

Updated: October 20, 2024 at 12:52 PM EDT
This article was first published Aug. 19, 2024.
Becca joined WVXU in 2021 as the station's local government reporter with a particular focus on Cincinnati. She is an experienced journalist in public radio and television throughout the Midwest. Enthusiastic about: civic engagement, public libraries, and urban planning.