The city of Cincinnati has new data designed to help it address racial and economic inequality when it comes to climate change. Because of proximity to toxic waste, traffic pollution and a population that is poorer and unhealthy, some neighborhoods in Cincinnati will feel climate change in disproportionate ways, a new study says. The report aims to address the inequalities to help mitigate environmental factors.
The study's author, University of Cincinnati Professor Carlie Trott, teamed with the city of Cincinnati for the report and sees it as the foundation of a broad range of decision-making and action to provide redress to the inequities it details.
“We can think about 200,000 trees and we’re going to give 'X' amount to every neighborhood. But an equity perspective actually kind of takes a step back, looks at the realities in different neighborhoods and things about, where do we need to direct resources to prevent future climate harms?" she says, citing disparities in tree cover as one example.
The Office of Environment and Sustainability is planning to rewrite Cincinnati’s green plan in 2023 and will use this report as a guide.
The study represents a culmination of years of efforts by city and community organizations. “But it’s also a conversation starter, one that frames the climate change problem as one that intersects with all kinds of historic legacies for example, race-based housing policies and various social, demographic, economic and health realities that we really need to consider when we think about climate planning,” according to Trott.
A few findings in the report (the neighborhood breakout begins on page 114):
- The average lifespan in East Price Hill is just 69.5, while it’s 83.9 in Hyde Park
- In North Fairmount and English Woods, vegetation covers 83.4% of the land, the highest of all 52 neighborhoods.
- Roselawn residents face extreme to high exposure to environmental hazards
- Millvale has extreme proximity to water pollution (Mill Creek)
- Nearly 10% of Northside residents have asthma