Cincinnati officials cut the ribbon Wednesday on a project they said will make government faster, more effective and smarter.
Chad Kenney is the Director of the new Office of Performance and Data Analytics.
“We’ll use data in this venue to constantly and relentlessly ask ourselves: what services are we providing, how much of those services are we providing, how quickly, what is the quality and how can we do better,” Kenney said.
The new suite of offices features an innovation lab employees will use to address the city's most stubborn service and operational issues. There is a CincyStat meeting room, where top level city leaders will meet every two weeks to discuss problem solving and service delivery.
“We’re driving excellence in this room, we’re driving consistency, we’re driving reliability,” said City Manager Harry Black. “We have all the key players here who can help make that possible as our directors are presenting here, all in one room at one time. We don’t have to wait and make a telephone call, we don’t have to send an e-mail or setup a meeting. This is about immediate resolution.”
Kenney said the goal is collaboration.
“We’re not here to point fingers, this is not about playing gotcha,” Kenney said. “We’re here to help each other identify problems, diagnosis causes and invest appropriate resources to solve issues.”
The new data office is located behind city hall in the Centennial II office building, which is owned by the city.