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Ohio voters will decide Issue 1 Aug. 8. Here's what a supporter and opponent have to say about it

Gene J. Puskar

Early in-person voting ends Sunday for the August special election, when Ohio voters will determine the outcome of the ballot initiative known as Issue 1.

Supporters of the measure say if Issue 1 passes, it will help prevent out-of-state special interests from funding campaigns to change Ohio's constitution.

Opponents say it's a thinly veiled attempt to make it harder for a proposed reproductive rights measure to win passage in November. The groups gathering signatures for the reproductive rights measure turned in those signatures last month.

If passed, Issue 1 would require the approval of 60% of Ohio voters to amend the state's constitution instead of the simple majority that's required now.

A "yes" vote also would require initiative petitions proposing a constitutional amendment to be signed by at least 5% of the electors in each of Ohio's 88 counties. And it would remove the 10-day period for petitioners to gather more signatures for a constitutional amendment if it's determined that they didn't file enough valid signatures.

A "no" vote would uphold the status quo, which requires a simple majority from voters to approve a constitutional amendment. It also would keep current rules regarding initiative petitions that require signatures from 44 counties instead of 88. And it would keep the 10-day "cure" period if it's determined the petitioners didn't file enough valid signatures.

On Cincinnati Edition, we'll discuss the pros and cons of Issue 1 with someone who supports the measure and someone who opposes it.


  • Ohio Auditor Keith Faber, who supports Issue 1
  • Mike Curtin, former editor and associate publisher of The Columbus Dispatch and former two-term member of the Ohio House of Representatives, who opposes Issue 1

Listen to Cincinnati Edition live at noon M-F. Audio for this segment will be uploaded after 4 p.m. ET.

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