Could a new financial literacy competition for Kentucky high school students close the financial literacy gap?
A recent article in Marketwatch points out the high cost of financial illiteracy, $200 billion in the last 20 years as people made poor investment…
There are many names for the group of people born from about 1981 to 1997-- millennials, Generation Y, Echo Boomers. A survey by investment firm T. Rowe…
It is never too early to talk to your children about money. A new traveling exhibit at the Main Library can help families start the discussion. "Thinking…
Many of us think we need to wait until our kids are old enough to “get it” before having the money talk. But research shows you actually can start the…
According to a 2013 study by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute for Literacy, 21 percent of adults in the United States read…
April is National Financial Literacy Month, sometimes referred to as National Financial Capability Month. Social service agencies, financial institutions…
Jeannine Glista is co-creator of Biz Kid$, a national financial educational initiative based on the Emmy Award-winning TV series of the same name. She and…
Personal finance is something that leaves a lot of us scratching our heads as we ponder questions like how to save, what to invest, and how to do all this…
Many of us feel we need to take control of our finances and do a better job of managing our money. But it can be difficult to sort through the vast amount…