Anti-human trafficking nonprofits and government agencies, including those in Ohio, have a problem with sharing misinformation.
A two-day human trafficking sting resulted in nearly 100 arrests around Central Ohio. Operation 614 comes on the heels of a new state law penalizing johns.
Judge Heather Stein Russell gets to see women transform from the first day they enter her courtroom to the day they graduate. Russell oversees a program…
Eleven-hundred police, prosecutors, community activists and survivors are in Cincinnati for a sold-out conference Oct. 15-17 on juvenile sex trafficking.…
Ten years ago, a judge in Columbus developed a special docket that would direct women forced into sex work toward rehabilitation instead of the criminal justice system. Now it's a nationwide model.
Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear said he will back legislation that requires commercial truck drivers to undergo training to help spot and report...
Over the last several years there has been a shift in how law enforcement and social service agencies view those involved in prostitution – a shift from…
Suspected child sex trafficking has increased 846 percent from 2010 to 2015 according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This…
Many think of child sex trafficking as a problem in some foreign countries, but it also exists here. Ohio is ranked among the worst for child sex…
Last April, 42 people were arrested in a three-week blitz against prostitution along the McMicken Avenue corridor. Sex trafficking continues to be a…