This November, Ohioans will vote on Ballot Issue 3 which, if passed, will legalize marijuana in the state. The path to legalization in Ohio has been winding and considerably difficult to follow, with even pro-legalization groups coming out against the specific proposal on the ballot, which limits marijuana cultivation to just ten farms, the number of sometimes surprising supporters of legalization, and many unanswered questions over the impact legalized pot will have on Ohio and surrounding states. Joining us for a look at the marijuana legalization effort in Ohio are 9 On Your Side/ Government & Politics reporter Lisa Bernard-Kuhn and Business reporter Dan Monk, along with WVXU political reporter Howard Wilkinson. 9 On Your Side/ has been running a series of in-depth reports on the effort to legalize marijuana in Ohio.
To read the series, The Weed Revolution: The Race for Legal Pot in Ohio, click here.
For information on Ohio November 2015 ballot issues, click here.