Cincinnati voters on Tuesday will choose the final two candidates for mayor and decide the fate of three charter amendments. But most of Hamilton County has no primary election May 4.
Early voting has been taking place since April 6 and continues through Monday, May 3, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hamilton County Board of Elections in Norwood. On Election Day, May 4, polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. You can find your polling place here.
The last day to register to vote was April 5. Check to see if you are registered here. If you are not registered, you can do so now online; print a form and mail it in; or visit any public library or BMV. You will not be eligible to vote in this primary election. If you want to vote in November, you must be registered 30 days prior to Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 2.
Mayoral Candidates

One of the biggest things on the May 4 ballot in Cincinnati is a non-partisan primary for candidates running for mayor. The top two finishers in the May 4 primary would go on to face each other in the November election for a four-year term as mayor.
There are no party designations on the ballot. All but one – Herman Najoli – is a Democrat. The Republican Party didn't field a mayoral candidate.
RELATED: Cincinnati Primary Mayoral Primary 2021 Voter Guide
All six candidates on the ballot responded to questions from WVXU about several key issues, which you can read here. Cincinnati Edition also spoke with the candidates about their plans for the city if elected.
- LISTEN: Cecil Thomas And Gavi Begtrup
- LISTEN: Aftab Pureval And Herman Najoli
- LISTEN: David Mann And Raffel Prophett
Issue 3

Issue 3 would require the city to put $50 million a year into an Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Proponents say the city has long ignored a growing housing crisis and drastic measures are necessary. Opponents say it would decimate the city budget and require hundreds of layoffs.
RELATED: Understanding Issue 3 On The May Ballot
The measure has already been to court, with a legal fight over the summary language that will appear on the ballot. The City Solicitor says if the amendment passes, he will immediately go back to court to seek guidance on whether it violates state law.
WVXU spoke with Josh Spring, executive director of the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition and one of the petitioners, and City Solicitor Andrew Garth to answer questions about the proposal.
RELATED: Proposed Affordable Housing Amendment On The Ballot And Up For Debate
Cincinnati Edition also addressed the issue with conversations with Spring; City Manager Paula Boggs Muething; and Council Member Greg Landsman.
Issues 1 And 2

Issues 1 and 2 on the May ballot in Cincinnati aim to address city council members who are indicted on federal charges related to their jobs on council.
RELATED: Understanding Issues 1 And 2
Vice Mayor Christopher Smitherman introduced Issue 1, and Council Member Betsy Sundermann introduced Issue 2. Both members support both amendments.
RELATED: Smitherman and Sundermann Discuss Anti-Corruption Reforms
WVXU spoke with Smitherman and Sundermann to learn more about the amendments and why they want Cincinnatians to support them. Cincinnati Edition host Michael Monks also asked Smitherman and Sundermann additional questions.
Races Outside Cincinnati
Harrison has a Republican primary for at-large members of city council. There are five candidates for four open seats.
The Village of Silverton will choose this year's Democratic candidate for mayor from between two candidates. There's also a Democratic primary for at-large council members, but there are only three candidates for three seats.
The cities of Deer Park and North College Hill both have a tax levy renewal on the ballot. If passed, the roads and bridges levies would be renewed for another five years.
The village of Silverton is seeking to renew a current expenses tax levy for another four years.
Indian Hill Exempted Village School District has two issues on the ballot: a 30-year bond issue for constructing and improving facilities, and a new five-year tax levy.
The Winton Woods City School District is seeking a new tax levy for operating expenses with no expiration date.