Issue 7 - a 0.8% increase in the Hamilton County sales tax - will be the biggest ballot issue voters in Hamilton County will decide in the March 17…
Well, so much for civility in politics in this neck of the woods.State Rep. Tom Brinkman, the Mt. Lookout Republican, has always been something of a bull…
Hamilton County commissioners have approved a one-quarter (0.25) percent increase in the county sales tax to help balance next year's budget. But the…
Two months into the fiscal year, the state budget department says its forecast for tax revenues is close to on track.
A Republican state lawmaker who backed a failed attempt to overturn a county tax levy wants to make it tougher for counties to raise taxes.
Hamilton County voters won't get a chance this November to decide on whether they want to increase the sales tax next year. And they likely won't have to…
There is a three-foot stack of forms over at the office of Hamilton County Auditor Dusty Rhodes that contain 38,065 signatures.Some are the legitimate,…
Hamilton County Republicans who mounted a petition drive to put an issue on the November ballot repealing a .02 percent increase in the sales tax marched…
Let's play a little bit of the game show Jeopardy! today.Politics is supposed to be fun, right? Uh, yes, right. Well, maybe "fun" isn't the best…
Attorney Al Gerhardstein calls the lawsuit against an African-American police lieutenant by two white officers "the most outrageous lawsuit I have ever…