We remain as committed as ever to connecting with our audiences with credible, independent journalism on multiple platforms.
NPR's official Twitter feeds have gone silent.
NPR operates independently of the U.S. government. NPR has asked Twitter to remove the label, calling it "unacceptable." But Twitter CEO Elon Musk says it "seems accurate."
On Thursday's Cincinnati Edition, we spend the full hour with the Political Junkie Ken Rudin. We will take your phone calls at 513-419-7100 and emails at talk@wvxu.org. The show starts at noon.
Twitter recently released a heat map showing which states are tweeting about the Bengals and which are tweeting about the Rams. The results are startling.
A suspended Twitter account appears to have help spread video of a controversial encounter between a group of Catholic school boys and a Native American elder.
After news broke of an active shooter at the Fifth Third building in Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati, officials at the local and state level shared…
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other forms of social media have transformed how we communicate. From personal relationships to professional…
There is practically no escape these days from one or more of the social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. This hour,…