The Village of Silverton already has a head start on many municipalities when it comes to going green. Its renovated town hall has geothermal heating and cooling, LED lighting and solar panels.
Silverton isn’t stopping there. The Village Council voted Dec. 2 to spend 10% of its capital plan on programs or investments to reduce its carbon footprint. That includes two electric vehicles Hamilton County sheriff's deputies will drive and solar grants for residents.
Village Manager Tom Carroll says Silverton would like to be compliant with the Paris Climate Accord by 2030. “We just really need to amp up our own individual actions as well as have policy solutions at the local, state and federal levels.”
The Village says its green initiatives are starting to pay off. Based on 2018-2019 data, Silverton Town Hall uses under 40 MWh per year. The solar panels generate more than that.
An agreement with Duke Energy for LED streetlights reduces its monthly bill from $2,700 to $660. Silverton had to pay a one-time cost of $150,000 from its general fund for the lighting project.
“We’re focused on two general concepts. One is: What can we do for our municipal operations to make the Village of Silverton a sustainable organization? And then, with regard to the Silverton Community, we’re trying to figure out how we give access to our residents who want to make those decarbonization green initiatives themselves,” Carroll says.
For Silverton residents, and those who live outside the village, there are three virtual meetings in January to learn about solar. You only need to attend one. Here are the links:
Jan. 4 at 7 p.m.
Jan. 13 at 7 p.m.
Feb. 1 at 7 p.m.
In addition, Silverton residents can get $5,000 and $1,000 solar grants, depending on eligibility.