Due to coronavirus restrictions dictated by the State of Ohio and the Governor's edicts and Mt. St. Joseph University's suspension of on-campus classes and other non-essential gatherings, (they will begin
remote classes on March 16), it is with deep regret that the Cincinnati Jazz Hall of Fame announces that they are postponing the 6th Annual Induction/Jazz Concert that was to be held on March 22, 2020 at the Mount St. Joseph University Auditorium Theatre in Cincinnati, OH.
A new date will be announced in the upcoming weeks. All tickets will be honored on the new date. “We regret having to do this, but the safety and health of our performers, volunteers, and fans is our #1 priority, “ stated Kay Casey, Founder and Chairman. “We look forward to the annual celebration and induction when it is rescheduled.”
For more information about the postponed induction ceremony/jazz concert, contact Kay Casey at 513.207.0476 or kaycaseycinti@aol.com. For more information about the Cincinnati Jazz Hall of Fame go to http://www.CincyJazzHOF.org.