David Singleton runs the Ohio Justice and Policy Center's Beyond Guilt program. He believes even those who commit heinous crimes are capable of reform.
On Dec. 5, 2019, Cincinnati City Council Member Chris Seelback, the Ohio Justice and Policy Center, the Black Lawyers Association of Cincinnati in…
The Ohio Justice and Policy Center has made headlines advocating for the wrongfully convicted. But the legal team takes on many cases where its client's…
Hamilton County's sheriff has proposed reopening the Queensgate facility to alleviate jail overcrowding. Jim Neill says the Justice Center is currently…
Late last December, four individuals were indicted in one of the most extensive human-trafficking cases in Hamilton County. Ohio is among the worst states…
Earlier this month, President Barack Obama granted clemency to 72 people incarcerated on the federal level, shortening their sentences. Obama has granted…
University of Cincinnati College of Law?'s Center for Race, Gender and Social Justice provides experiential learning, research and interdisciplinary…
According to U.S. Department of Justice, more than 600,000 individuals return to American neighborhoods after serving time in federal and state prisons,…
The Ohio Transformation Fund is a newly-launched funding collaborative initiated to address criminal justice reform and reduce the number and racial…
Each year hundreds of thousands of inmates are released from American prisons. It is often extremely difficult for these individuals to re-integrate into…