Hamilton County ReSource is working with local companies and nonprofits to help them figure out how much waste they generate and then reduce it.
How to reduce, reuse and recycle when our holidays can be inundated with plastic packaging.
Good news for people who've been asking for expanded recycling options — Rumpke is now taking a bunch of new items for recycling. You'll have to do a little extra work though.
From sorting to reprocessing, we discuss plastic recycling and whether it's enough.
Hamilton County residents are invited to give feedback on an update to the county's solid waste plan. The draft prioritizes reducing food waste and increasing support for businesses to recycle.
Cincinnati officials are launching a global search for ideas to increase recycling, both tech- and policy-related.
On this America Recycles Day, some in the industry are encouraging people to remember "recycle" comes third in the phrase "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" for a reason."Recycling is not the answer to everything, you actually have to worry about the reduce and reuse first," points out Colleen McSwiggin, managing director for the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub. "Recycling is kind of the stopgap for the things that don't have another place to go."
The U.S. produces billions of pumpkins each year, most of which end up in the trash when Halloween ends. From composting them to putting them out for wildlife to eat, here are some recycling ideas, from a wildlife program specialist for Ohio State University Extension.
Recycling bins will pop up next to garbage cans, along with signs explaining what's trash and what can be recycled.
Cincinnati Edition explores Earth Day themes on Thursday's show.The fight against climate change is being waged to varying degrees globally, but it can…