The University of Cincinnati will change the names of four spaces on campus bearing the name of Charles McMicken, an enslaver and the university's main sponsor in the 1800s.
From the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 to the Civil War, all the way to 2021 when Juneteenth becomes a national holiday, we explore the chronology.
Cincinnati Council may consider a proposal to change the name of a street just south of the University of Cincinnati's campus that carries the name of an…
The University of Cincinnati Board of Trustees voted unanimously to rename the College of Arts and Sciences Tuesday.The university is dropping enslaver…
Xavier University and the University of Cincinnati are studying how its institutions were built on slavery. Higher education representatives from across…
The year 1619 is getting a lot of mentions lately, in large part because of the massive The 1619 Project undertaken by The New York Times. August marks…
One of the cruel abuses of slavery in America was that slaves were forbidden to read and write. But as Trinity College Associate Professor of English and…
On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, formally notifying the Confederacy of his intention to…
This week the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is hosting the “Historians Against Slavery” conference, which is designed to facilitate…
Along US 52, near New Richmond are the remnants of a school that played a role in American history. Until now, that school had been largely forgotten.But…