Cincinnati Union Bethel's Off The Streets program has been helping women involved in prostitution and sex trafficking for a decade.
Individuals exploited for sex are often drug abusers, and the recent heroin epidemic has dramatically increased their risk of overdosing and possible death. And many women who are addicted continue using drugs while pregnant, increasing the chances their babies will be born addicted, suffering from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
Joining us to discuss helping and treating mothers who are addicted and drug-dependent babies are neonatologist, co-director of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Clinic and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Dr. Kathy E Wedig; and freelance writer Lisa Murtha. Lisa's feature about Off the Streets appeared in the November issue of Cincinnati Magazine. Her article on children born drug-dependent, Born Users, appears in Cincinnati Magazine's January issue.
To read Lisa Murtha's story, The Fight of Their Lives, which appeared in the November 2016 issue of Cincinnati Magazine, click here.